Friday, August 7, 2009

Watermaker Gets Cranky Again!

This is our infamous ETD, Energy Transfer Device... better known as a Clark Pump. It is the weak spot in our SeaRecovery watermaker system. We have rebuilt it numerous times and once again it has failed. This time a new aspect has developed...water squirting from one of the bolts holes you see next to the pressure gauge.

Tomorrow we drag out the old ETD...we've had three in four years and see if we can patch it together to fill Creola's tanks.

The good news...Sam's Tours will let us fill with beautifully filter water right at the their docks..NO Charge. Life remains good.

Until tomorrow B and L


  1. I'm so glad to see you blogging again! I'm looking forward to hearing hearing about your adventures regularly.

  2. Hope you can join us again, too!
